The Last Stuff You'll See Before You Die

This is the last stuff you'll see before dying

ohcraprun.jpg|Mr. Krubby Krabby
ohshitrun.jpg|Mr.Krabs is enraged
180px-PATRIXXX Mordegard Glesgorv.png|Evil Patrixxx
Modirn Gayfuckstupid.jpg|Dis gam givs nightmares
Spookyskeleton.jpg|This is you in your future
soskurry.jpg|Holy shiet
horyshiet.jpg|Photoshop is so scary
Smiledoggy.jpg|Doge? More like Smile Doge!
ohno.jpg|Gotta take a shiet?
imgod.jpg|Sonic is gawd
scaryNOT.jpg|WTF is that?!
Grape.png|This is one scary Grape
GirlGrape.jpg|The Female Grape
Obama shadow.png|Beware the obamacare
Dora die.png|OMG IT'S DORA!!!
ISAAC - Copy.png|IM COMING 4 U MUM|link=Ebola spredz 2 america warning dat u wil becom chezbrger and i becom da plate and da burgerz r reel and i wil becom burgr soh da fart etz all da burgerz. dis iz da story of scary
The last thing you see before you die.png|ONLY ONE CAN SURVIVE|link=
Otis.jpg|Otis the Rapist before he attacks!